You Disappear 002

This episode is another dive into a few well deserved minutes of calm.

00:00 - Christiaan Virant and 张荐 (FM3) Sheng - 笙 from the Buddha Machine 1 collection of loops. One of my favorites forever. Buddha Machine 1, by Christiaan Virant and 张荐

00:28 - Michael Scott Dawson - Present Day feat. Jairus Sharif from the album The Tinnitus Chorus. I came across his music a few months ago and quickly fell for it. His gentle approach always puts me in a light hearted space. The guest artists on this album give it a lot of welcome variety. The Tinnitus Chorus, by Michael Scott Dawson

03:14 - Paniyolo - Tabisaki. This is a single released by a Japanese guitar player that I love. His approach to solo guitar is oozing with sentementality and charm. This is a recent favorite of mine. Perfect for a cup of tea. Tabisaki, by paniyolo

06:24 - Jogging House - Fare from the album Rendezvous. I came across Jogging House probably through a Youtube video, he revels in one take ambient recordings that all feel like they were generated by clouds. His output is always worth checking out. Fare, by Jogging House

11:26 - Keigo Tatsumi - Barley from the album AT US. This was one I stumbled across at random and bought the tape after hearing it once. I adore music with this approach that lies somewhere between the music and field recordings hiding underneath. Its an approach I often mimick when I make my own music because I feel it grounds it into memory and time. This is a short but hearwarming track. AT US, by Keigo Tatsumi

14:30 I believe I was at a park writing in a journal one warm afternoon between jobs when I decided to pull out my little recorder and let it set by my side as I wrote.

You Disappear Podcast:

In this space you will find music, field recordings, and anything else that fits an understated sense of calmness of any kind. Sometimes it will barely whisper, and other times it may rest on the edge of noise, it’s hard to define but it’s easy to navigate. Press play, take a break, and get lost. I’m sure you could use it from time to time. I know I can.

Please note, music shared here is shared a listening guide. I have been making these digital mixtapes for over a decade and still feel its a great way to share new music with others, even in todays streaming music landscape. If you come across something you love I have included links directly to artists websites or Bandcamp pages. Always purchase an artists music as close to their pocket as you can get. At very least, use a streaming service to contribute further to their passion. Never copy or distribute this feed or its contents it will never be monetized and will never be.
